COVID-19 Updates & Information
In order to keep our congregation safe and healthy, we ask everyone to follow the procedures below:
If you are ill or have any symptoms of COVID-19, please worship from home.
If you are experiencing symptoms or have had exposure to large groups of people, we encourage you to be tested. Affordable at-home test kits are available online or at local pharmacies.
Masks are not required, however, we ask everyone to be sensitive to those who do feel the need to wear one. If you need a mask, they are available in the foyer.
Communion will be offered in-person during the service. The priest or Eucharist Minister will intinct the wafer (dip into the wine) and then place into the recipients open hands.
Bulletins will be available on the table as you enter the Sanctuary.
A box for tithes and offerings will remain in front of the Sanctuary; we will not be "passing the plate" at this time. You may also make a secure online donation at
Sunday worship will continue to be livestreamed on Facebook; those not on Facebook can view the service on our church online worship page. You may contact the church office to make arrangements to pick up a supply of consecrated wafers for self-administration at home.
Thank you for your cooperation!