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Sermon Series  |  June-July 2020

Sermon Series | Summer-Fall 2020

How do we run the race of life in the midst of a pandemic?  And what does winning look like?

When our in-person services were first affected by COVID-19, I thought this would be a short-term issue, more like running a sprint or a quick obstacle course. Making the jump to hold online services meant overcoming a wall for us. Now, however, it seems like we are in the midst of a marathon.


-- Pastor Marty O'Rourke


What goes into running — and finishing — a marathon?  How do we prepare ourselves physically and mentally?  Who will run with us?  And what happens if we fall and hurt ourselves?  


Messiah member Vivian Hayes, a runner herself, shares this insight:


Whether on a course filled with obstacles or on a flat road, the longer one remains on that course, the more challenging that appointed race becomes as physical and mental fatigue sets in. An endurance race has a different type of difficulty than a sprint. A sprint is about physical ability, whereas in an endurance race mental strength plays an important role.


Join us in exploring how God will equip us to run this race together to become more like Christ.

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