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  • Prayers | Messiah-Online

    The Daily Office from the 2019 ACNA Book of Common Prayer Prayer of General Thanksgiving Prayer to Become Like Christ Who I Am in Christ Morning Trinitarian Prayer Liturgy for the Ritual of Morning Coffee Father's Love Letter Names of God Personal & Corporate Pentecost Prayers Prayers & Meditations Online & printable versions

  • CAST 2023

    JANUARY 3-10 · JOIN THE CAST! The Chesapeake Area Shelter Team (CAST) is a compassionate community of faith that provides overnight winter shelter for those experiencing homelessness in Chesapeake. Every year from November to April, Chesapeake churches, synagogues, mosques, and organizations open their doors for one week, providing safe and warm shelter, as well as breakfast, lunch, and dinner, to up to 50 homeless individuals and families. Church of the Messiah has participated in the CAST program since 2014. In addition to shelter and meals, Messiah volunteers provide fellowship, prayer and the love of Christ to these homeless brothers and sisters. Volunteers of all ages and skill sets are needed – that means YOU! There are a number of volunteer roles to participate in, as well as helping with donations of food, supplies, and funds. Regardless of how much time or money you have, there are many ways to participate. Explore the links here to learn about these different volunteer opportunities. Sign up sheets will be in the foyer. Watch this video to learn more about CAST. QUESTIONS? Please fill out the form below, and we will get you the information you need as soon as possible. Your message was sent successfully! Send NEEDED DONATIONS If you are able, please bring donations to the church by Sunday, December 10. Click the r oles below to learn about different volunteer opportunities. Volunteers can serve individually or in a group. Sign up sheets are in the foyer. BUS/INTA KE TEAM REGISTRA TION TEAM HALL MON ITORS DINNE R ACTIVITI ES OVERNIG HT TEAM BREAKFA ST MORNING CLEANUP BAG LU NCHES LAUNDRY TEAM VOLUNTEER! And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

  • Advent 2020 Sermon Series | Messiah-Online

    Advent Sermon Series Advent 2020 Sermon Series November 29 What Is God Like? Pastor Marty O'Rourke Video | Audio | Sermon Slides December 6 How Does God Respond to Our Suffering? Vivian Hayes Video | Audio | Sermon Slides December 13 Dr. Paul Van Valin Where Can I Find Peace on Earth? Video | Audio | Sermon Slides December 20 Pastor Nile Gomez Why Did the Son of God Come Into the World? Video | Audio December 24 Pastor Marty O'Rourke Why Are We Here? Video | Audio

  • Missions | Messiah-Online

    FOREIGN MISSIONS The Foreign Missions Committee oversees the financial and spiritual support we provide to missionaries and organizations outside the United States, as well as to individuals from our congregation who go on short-term mission trips to other countries. The list here describes some of the areas we support. If you feel led to donate to any of our foreign missions, please click here . If you would like more information about any of these missions, please contact the church office . GET INVOLVED Eastern Europe: Aaron & Winnie Aaron and Winnie have been working with teens in Eastern Europe since 2009. Their youth center ministers to middle- and high-schoolers through music, drama and the arts. They have also been active with supplying humanitarian aid and witnessing to many refugees fleeing from Syria. Middle East: Betsy & David David and Betsy have ministered for over 20 years to a small but growing Christian community. They have also responded to the desperate needs of refugees from Syria by seeking out ways to welcome in and care for these refugees and provide medical aid. Central America: Carmen & His Love in Action School for the Deaf Since 1989, Carmen and His Love in Action School and Vocational Training Institute have been educating and training hearing impaired children. FELLOWSHIP CHRISTIAN EDUCATION SERVING THE COMMUNITY CHURCH MINISTRIES

  • Expect the Unexpected: Advent 2018 | Messiah-Online

    Advent with Luke Sermon Series “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!” Luke described those responding to the message of John the Baptist as people “waiting expectantly” for the Messiah. The purpose of Advent is to stir us up to be “waiting expectantly” for His Coming. A young woman, not married, expecting? A stable? A manger? Shepherds? All for the birth of the long-awaited Messiah? When it comes to Our Lord, “Expect the Unexpected!” We know life brings the unexpected as well. There is much we can learn about handling the unexpected by walking through Advent with the Gospel of Luke. December 2, 2018 Expecting His Return at a Time We Do Not Expect Pastor Marty O'Rourke Slideshow Presentation December 9, 2018 How Not to Handle the Unexpected Pastor Marty O'Rourke Slideshow Presentation December 16, 2018 How to Handle the Unexpected Rev. Mark Cartledge Slideshow Presentation December 23, 2018 Expect the Unexpected to Be Lifted Up Pastor Marty O'Rourke Slideshow Presentation December 24, 2018 Christmas: When the Unexpected Exceeds Our Expectations Pastor Marty O'Rourke Slideshow Presentation December 30, 2018 Simeon and Anna Expecting the Unexpected Deacon Nile Gomez January 6, 2019 Epiphany: The Journey of the Expecting, Finding the Unexpected Pastor Marty O'Rourke Slideshow Presentation Please reload

  • Holy Week

    Holy Week at Church of the Messiah Palm Sunday - March 24 Worship | 10 am Together we will commemorate the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem with a palm branch procession, then turn our focus to the events leading up to the Crucifixion with a special reading. Maundy Thursday - March 28 Maundy Thursday Service | 7 pm This modified instructional Eucharist commemorates the institution of Holy Communion at the Last Supper. The service includes the “stripping of the altar,” Eucharist and foot washing. Good Friday - March 29 Meditation Service | 12 pm - 3 pm Come for all or part of this time of reflection and prayer, which features brief meditations every 30 minutes. Good Friday Service | 7 pm This solemn service features readings, music and the nailing of the cross to help us appreciate Christ’s ultimate sacrifice. Easter Sunday - March 31 Resurrection Sunday Celebration | 10 am Don't miss this joyful celebration of our Lord's resurrection, which includes a special procession by our children and “Flowering of the Cross.” The children will have a special celebration with an Easter message, activities and egg hunt.

  • Life's Transitions | Messiah-Online

    “To everything turn, turn, turn. There is a season, turn, turn, turn. And a time to every purpose under heaven.” The Byrds’ 1965 rendition of the familiar passage in Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that change is constant. Sometimes exciting, sometimes stressful, but never without purpose, the transitions in life can serve to lead us into a deeper, more trusting, relationship with the Lord and a greater awareness of Who He is in us and we are in Him. May 13, 2018 The Transitions of Life Pastor Jim Brown Slideshow Presentation May 20, 2018 Power for Life's Transitions Pastor Marty O'Rourke Slideshow Presentation May 27, 2018 Endings Pastor Jim Brown Slideshow Presentation June 3, 2018 Growing Through Transitions Pastor Marty O'Rourke & Pastor John Dooley Slideshow Presentation June 10, 2018 Beginnings Rev. Mark Cartledge Please reload There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

  • Anger: Appropriate or Inappropriate? | Messiah-Online

    ANGER: Appropriate or Inappropriate? A recent poll says that 69% of Americans are either very or somewhat angry about how things are going in our country. God’s Word has a great deal of wisdom for us about the roots of anger, when it is appropriate, and how to overcome inappropriate anger. This sermon series focuses on how we can serve as a light for Christ by showing an angry world healthy ways to handle emotions. "Be Angry But Do Not Sin" Ephesians 4:2 6 April 8, 2018 Why Are You Angry? Pastor Marty O'Rourke Slideshow Presentation April 15, 2018 A Fool Gives Full Vent to His Anger Pastor Marty O'Rourke Slideshow Presentation April 15, 2018 Special Testimony from Deacon Tom Sweeney April 22, 2018 Be Angry and Do Not Sin: The Reality of Anger Rev. Robert Walter Slideshow Presentation April 29, 2018 Antidotes to Anger: Quick to Listen, Slow to Speak Pastor Jim Brown Slideshow Presentation May 6, 2018 Stay Angry or Stay in Step with The Spirit Pastor Marty O'Rourke Slideshow Presentation Please reload

  • CBS | Messiah-Online

    Messiah hosts two Community Bible Study classes on Thursdays during the school year. The 2023-24 term begins on September 7. Both classes will be studying "A King is Coming," in the books of Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, and Ephesians. The LADIES’ DAY CLASS takes place from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Thursday mornings. Nursery care is provided for infants and toddlers, as well as age-appropriate curriculum for older kids. An online class is also available. The CO-ED EVENING CLASS runs from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.This group offers men’s, women’s and co-ed classes, as well as online classes. Virtual online classes are also available; please ask for details. Annual registration is $35 for adults and $10 per child (day class only). The registration fee includes the cost of study materials. Scholarships are available, so please don't let financial concerns keep you from learning more about God's Word. To learn more and to register for one of these questions, visit: . You can learn more about the Community Bible Study organization at:

  • I'm New

    What does your church believe? Denominationally, we are an Anglican Church and part of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). Our mission is to make tangible the life-transforming power of God’s love so that all may come to know Christ. We believe that: the Word of God is the final authority over everything we are and do; God has called us to take the good news of Christ to the entire world; Our Lord has called us to serve those around us as Christ has served us. To learn more, please visit the Who We Are page. What will happen when I get there? You'll Be Welcome ~ We extend a cordial welcome to you to worship with us. Ushers will greet you, hand you a bulletin, and may escort you to a chair, if you like. They can answer any questions about the service, location of restrooms, children's Sunday School, and the nursery. Following the service, the pastor greets the people as they leave. What are your service times? Sunday Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Coffee hour immediately following the service. Monday Night Healing Prayer Service: 7:00 p.m. What can I wear to the service? God is more concerned with you being here that he is with what you are wearing! Whether you are in your "Easter best" or in jeans, you are welcome here. What is the best way to meet people at Messiah? We have many opportunities for you to plug in and feel part of our family! Please visit the Get Involved page to see all the ways in which you can get involved. Whether it be a Bible Study or a Home Group, newcomers are always welcome. You will have an opportunity to meet people during the service when we break to great one another or afterwards at our coffee hour. And if you'd like to meet with one of our pastors, you can fill out a form on the service bulletin or send them an email. Do you have a nursery? Can I bring my baby into the sanctuary? Children are welcome in the service, however, many parents of newborns will take them to the "cry room" adjacent to the sanctuary as needed. It has one-way mirrors and speakers so you can still see and hear the service. We also have a nursery, children's program and youth class, all of which begin immediately after our worship music time and run until Communion time. · Children ages three and under welcome in our nursery, where they will play with other children and receive loving care from our volunteers. · Pre-Kindergarteners through fifth graders can participate in Children's Church, where they will partipate in fun activities while learning about the love of Jesus. · Youth in grades six through twelve are encouraged to join our Foundations class, where they will learn about our faith through instruction and discussion. How and why do I take communion? Anyone who is a committed follower of Jesus Christ is welcome to take communion, also called the Eucharist or the Lord's Supper. You may read more about the meaning of communion on our Who We Are page. It can make people a bit uncomfortable if they are not familiar with the "mechanics" of how to participate. This is what you can expect: 1. At the designated time, one of our ushers will motion to you to get up. There are usually three lines - two down the center aisle and one down the left hand aisle. 2. When you get in your line, it is our custom for the person behind you to place a hand on your shoulder and pray for you as you wait and advance in line. You are not required to lay hands on the person in front of you if you are not comfortable doing so, but if you are, simply lay your hand on their shoulder and silently ask God to prepare their heart to receive communion. 3. When it is your turn go up to the minister, extend both hands palm upwards toward the minister, placing one hand directly on top of the other. The minister will hold the communion wafer (sometimes it is Matzos and sometimes it is bread) in front of you and say, “The Body of Christ.” You respond by saying, “Amen.” The minister will then place the bread on your open palm. Do not attempt to grab the bread from the minister with your fingers. 4. You will then have the option of either sipping out of the communal cup (sometimes called a chalice) or dipping your bread into the common cup. Usually the communal cup will be behind the minister on your right if you are in the center aisle and the common cup will be to one side of the minister. 5. Occasionally one of the Pastors will stop and quietly pray for someone as they come up for communion if the Holy Spirit leads them to pray. 6. After you have received communion, you may continue to follow the rotational flow back to your seat where we hope you will take a moment to reflect on your relationship with Jesus and what he has done for you through the forgiveness of your sins. Or, you may proceed to the altar rail for prayer from either of our prayer teams. How do I become a member? Twice a year, our pastors will hold a New Member's Class. Everyone who desires to join Church of the Messiah needs to participate in this five-week course. It is offered once in the spring and once in the fall and usually meets from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in one of our classrooms. This is a valuable time where you will hear about topics such as How to Use Your Gifts and Find Your Ministry, and How to Hear From God. This is a great opportunity to grow in your faith while getting to know other new members, our staff, and what we believe as Christians. I'M NEW WHAT TO EXPECT WORSHIP WITH US WHO WE ARE

  • CALENDAR | Messiah-Online

    Calendar Select an event to view more details.

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